According to the Washington Post and their Personal Finance columnist, Michelle Singletary, only the well-to-do folks amongst us are allowed a vacation and seemingly any fragment of enjoyment. Michelle uses her introductory sentence to show us that she knows how to form an argument and get people on her side: by patronising them. Singletary begins, “Nothing makes me crazier than when people deep in debt try to persuade me that they are being financially responsible because they ‘saved up’ for their vacation”. The pretentious Washington Post columnist has since stated on social media that her intention was to let cash-strapped families know that they don’t “deserve” anything, vacation included. The debate continued on Singletary’s Twitter page, as she posted a follow up tweet stating that it was simply that people don't deserve anything, as well as attempting to tell them ways in which their money could be put to better use.. but then you read the rest of her dog turd slapp...
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