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Showing posts from August, 2019

John Delaney's Plan To Stop Mass Shootings: Make Mass Shootings 'Cost Prohibitive'

John Delaney and his ability to be shamelessly and wholeheartedly beholden to private insurance companies have found something new to exploit: the two mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, both of which happened at the beginning of August just hours apart and left 32 people dead. Delaney was given ample time during the past two Democratic primary debates to lay out his proposals, in which he was laughably seen as the rational moderate, when in reality he was just arguing for the status quo. Apart from arguing against any real or meaningful change, Delaney's most memorable debate moment was when Bernie Sanders rebutted his ridiculous anti-Medicare For All statements with “Well, you’re wrong!” Which drew a large cheer from the crowd. Delaney’s big new idea to end gun violence, which you can see pictured above, is to require “liability insurance” to purchase a gun - an idea which is comical and was mocked in the replies to his tweet. To be fair to John Delaney and

Right-Wing Reporter Andy Ngo Caught Red Handed Lying About Antifa Protests

Andy Ngo, a "journalist" who always manages to be on the scene any time anti-fascist activists are supposedly attacking people or property has been caught red handed lying and spreading misinformation to fit his narrative once again and he is seen by many on the right as the one-stop shop for all your anti-Antifa needs. This past week, Ngo attended a Patriot Prayer rally in Portland, which also included groups such as "American Guard" - American Guard members have attended Klu Klux Klan cross burnings and rallies - and Antifa and other counter protesters, in the hope he would find something that he could twist into his notorious "Antifa are the real bad guys" narrative. And he did.  Guardian reporting  on the topic goes into detail on the bus you can see pictured above - which quite clearly belongs to American Guard given the placard that has been placed in window. Pictured here you can see that the members American Guard are wearing the same shirts

Kamala Harris Chooses Large Money Fundraisers Over CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall

Kamala Harris and her 2020 Presidential campaign have decided against attending CNN’s “Climate Crisis” town hall in favour of attending fundraisers in Los Angeles, where rich Hollywood folk will bundle money together in order to support her campaign. Activists such as RL Miller of  Climate Hawks Vote  and the Sunrise Movement , among others, were monumental in there even being a Debate/Town Hall on the impending climate crisis to begin with, in which ten of the more than twenty Democratic presidential hopefuls have qualified for. The aforementioned groups felt that as a country and as a planet, the topic of climate change needed much more of a spotlight than a single question at the tail end of other Democratic primary debates. ABC News campaign correspondent Zohreen Shah  reported the news of Kamala Harris' no-show  a couple of days ago and the Harris campaign said that she would not be attending the town hall due to a "scheduling conflict" - which led to a litera