With all the noise made about Nancy Pelosi being a resistance hero who is supposedly out maneuvering Donald Trump at every turn, it turns out that the Democratic Party leader isn't actually that well liked by Americans. The "Patron Saint of Shade", a nickname given to Pelosi by her most devoted followers, has an extremely loyal following within the Democratic Party, so much so that people like Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos embarrassingly hand delivered a thousand red roses to Nancy Pelosi's office. However, for all the sycophantic devotion to Pelosi that keeps her in power, Americans as a whole are extremely unsatisfied with Nancy Pelosi and her performance when it comes to opposing President Trump. According to the RCP Polling Averages, current President Donald Trump's approval rating currently sits at an average of 44.3% and an average disapproval rating of 50.6%, a minus 6.3% approval rating overall. With Pelosi, the numbers are even worse . Pelo...
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