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Showing posts from May, 2017

Is Bernie Sanders Dividing Opinion On The Left?

Ah, Mr Bernard Sanders, the communist, misogynist, crude politician who only white people could vote for. Supposedly. While Sanders has never been too popular with the Hillary Clinton "Still With Her" crowd, he has managed to drum up an extremely high level of grassroots and young voter support, being seen as talking truth to the Democratic Establishment while not having the colossal levels of contradiction of Donald Trump's faux 'populism' - finally a politician who could see the strain that years of failed neo-liberal and conservative governance had put on poor and middle-class workers, and a credible, principled messaged to boot. Sanders began as a fringe political figure, outside of Vermont state politics, Bernie wasn't a household name by any stretch of the imagination. All the while endorsing Socialism and attacks on Wall Street and tax-dodging corporations elevated the Vermont Senators message to the forefront of the US political limelight. His opp...

Ann Coulter: The Immigrant Crime Reporter

Ann Coulter, the 'delightful' conservative talker who brought the world such gems as: Don't allow the handicapped into America, Gun Background Checks lead to 'extermination' or claiming that Soccer "morally decays America". Among of all this stupidity she throws in her favourite hobbies - bashing Immigrants and writing books about Liberals. Kind of ironic how she claims people who simply aren't Republican and do not agree with her way of thinking are brainless yet the height of her thinking capabilities is to say that kicking a ball around a pitch is somehow a morally corrosive blight on the country. After a truly horrific time going through the Twitter account of Ann Coulter (shoot me), and three tweets in she has Retweeted a video of a Muslim man committing vandalism of art/statues at a church, a Retweet of Tucker Carlson asking "what's in it for us" in terms of accepting immigrants, the tweet after that is once again a reportin...