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Ann Coulter: The Immigrant Crime Reporter

Ann Coulter, the 'delightful' conservative talker who brought the world such gems as: Don't allow the handicapped into America, Gun Background Checks lead to 'extermination' or claiming that Soccer "morally decays America". Among of all this stupidity she throws in her favourite hobbies - bashing Immigrants and writing books about Liberals.

Kind of ironic how she claims people who simply aren't Republican and do not agree with her way of thinking are brainless yet the height of her thinking capabilities is to say that kicking a ball around a pitch is somehow a morally corrosive blight on the country.

After a truly horrific time going through the Twitter account of Ann Coulter (shoot me), and three tweets in she has Retweeted a video of a Muslim man committing vandalism of art/statues at a church, a Retweet of Tucker Carlson asking "what's in it for us" in terms of accepting immigrants, the tweet after that is once again a reporting of Muslim crime statistics, another short scroll and Coulter is seemingly upset about the fact that Trump hasn't yet delivered on his pointless border wall and a few more tweets down and Ann is again making up more BS about Liberals - we're okay with rape, just as long as an illegal immigrant is the one committing the rape - huh, the more you know I guess.

Now, lets try and find some Ann Coulter heartfelt words on the killing of Jordan Edwards, Timothy Caughman, or some input on the rise of Anti-Immigrant hate crimes, or the rise of hateful attacks following the start of the Trump presidency.

Anything about Jordan Edwards killing? Nope. How about a word on the murder of Mr Caughman? Weird, nothing seems to come up.. Okay, surely something on the rise of Anti-Immigrant hate crime right Ann? Nothing is showing up.. is it me or is Ann only concerned about a crime if it were perpetrated by certain individuals? Why not also include the stories of recent crimes committed by Americans against Immigrants?

We could talk about the story of the man on the beach who was recently arrested for abusing a Muslim family, who saw a Muslim family on the beach and of course had to bring ISIS into his tirade as in his and most likely Coulter's world, the majority of people who subscribe to the teachings of the Koran are sympathetic to the extreme ideology that is ISIS. The family were enjoying a day out on the beach the man felt compelled to let them know that this is Trump country now, telling this to a family who simply wanted to catch some rays, a ridiculous blanket statement due to his preconceived bigoted views. This theme of simply attacking Muslims for who they are is currently experiencing a sharp increase, with a video coming to light of an unnamed woman harassing a Muslim woman in an argument at a store, once again the bigots have to pivot to the fact of this being 'Trump country' and Obama no longer being in charge. Because Obama went easy on the Western world with the large number of drone strikes perpetrated in the name of fighting terror and killing civilians - alas, breeding more terror.

The SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center, had found that following the election of Donald Trump, there was 1064 catalogued hate-attacks or acts of intimidation, with 13 later found to be false flags, a worrying increase in only a short amount of time. At the same time, schools were found to have an upward trend of hateful messaging, most found in the school toilets, with some students believing the Trump win has given them free reign to litter the bathroom stalls with Nazi imagery and other hateful slurs. An increase deemed not worthy of Coulter delivering her skewed reporting on.

Of course we shouldn't ignore the threat that SOME extreme Islamic terrorists pose to national security, this is a threat that needs to be dealt with, but it also shouldn't be spun into a hateful excuse to limit the number of refugees taken from countries dealing with unending war, a constant threat to their livelihood and high amount of unnecessary death, these people are innocent cogs in the problem that is the US' Foreign Policy, trying to be the world policeman and fighting war as a front for oil money.

Because of the actions of the extreme, do we have the right to abuse a family who in some ways pulled the short straw in coming from an area of the world where the terror is located? Or do we have the right to harass a woman in a store for simply reading the same holy book as the terrorists who take a literal conservative view of the text? No, we do not. These people are just like us, they do not want a Sharia take over of America, they do not deserve to be abused and they are not a threat to our security.

Oh, I must also mention - whoever commits rape, it's despicable, we do not have to handle it any more delicately if it was a immigrant or a homegrown, USA loving, flag-wearing patriot! Rape is bad, Ann.


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