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Showing posts from April, 2018

Normal Person: Place Armed Drones At Every School In America!

To put it mildly, Wayne Allyn Root is fu*king insane and following the recent Florida Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, he decided to put this on full display. Many ridiculous ideas have been tossed around in the weeks following the mass shooting, such as  buckets of rocks  and  600 miniature baseball bats   - yes these ideas are very real, please stop laughing - but the proposal put forward by our dear friend, Wayne, really does take the biscuit.  Wayne, in his infinite wisdom has decided that the best way to protect each and every school student in America is via a drone, obviously. You know, the very same instruments of death that kill innocent civilians all over the earth, mainly the middle east though because imperialist Western countries have gotta do what they've gotta do. Bombing innocent people in order to save innocent people's lives, makes complete sense if you ask me. Now, lets be fair to Wayne here and say that the idiot leftists c...

CORRECTION: This Is The Worst Bernie Sanders Article Ever Written

Self appointed Hillary Clinton and People of Colour defender Candice Aiston took a short break from likening Hillary Clinton to Jesus and claiming that Democrats were literally 'entitled' to the votes of minority groups in order to write a truly awful  article   suggesting that Bernie Sanders supporters essentially target aforementioned minority groups who do not share their politics and dig up old tweets which could be seen as controversial in order to "silence women and POC". We will now take great delight in explaining how Candice is being extremely disingenuous when discussing the interactions between Democrats and left-wing accounts on social media. Firstly, it must be said that some of the tweets from left-wing accounts Candice uses to back up her stance are extremely worrying, whether they happen to be in jest or not. Two tweets stick out, one suggesting that the "RIP Candice Aiston" Twitter Trend could be relating to her death and another calling...