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HOT TAKE: Hillary Clinton "Took A Knee" For America And Lost 2016 Election On Purpose

Hillary Clinton supporters have a new theory as to who put Donald Trump in the White House: Hillary Clinton herself.

These are the very same people that have spent the last two years blaming Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, Russia, sexism, and non-voters for their loss but have now flipped and claim that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats knew what they were doing all along and that purposefully losing the 2016 election was a part of an extravagant scheme.

The reasoning they have for their theory is that Hillary was "weirdly quiet" and that it's all "a plan to get citizens engaged in politics" and personally I have no idea how they've come to this conclusion because everything Hillary and her election operatives have done since the 2016 election is blame voters and has appeared on plenty of UK and US talk shows such as The Graham Norton Show, Saturday Night Live, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The View, to name just a few.

There's also the matter of the several guest speeches that Hillary Clinton has given since her 2016 loss, such as the Shared Value Leadership Summit, India Today Conclave 2018, Georgetown University, Yale University as well as appearing on news networks such as CNN (more than three times), ABC News, MSNBC, The Daily Show and also taking the time to appear at the Grammy Awards. How anyone can suggest that Hillary has been quiet since the election is either not paying attention or simply lying.

Oh and let's not forget: SHE WROTE A F*CKING BOOK ABOUT IT. She then went on tour to promote her book "What Happened" in which she made harsh claims about Bernie Sanders and his apparent "promising ponies" mentality. Hillary has spent the majority of the time since the election shaming people who wouldn't vote for her, claiming she lost because of sexism, that certain females were pressured into voting for Trump by their partners, blaming James Comey and now her supporters spend their time online attacking any politician who doesn't support Hillary: Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Abdul Sayed, Ben Jealous, Cynthia Nixon, Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein and Susan Sarandon for some weird reason, they can't shut up about her. 


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