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Far-Right “Journalist” Disproves His Own Talking Point About Terrorism In Sweden

I personally think it would be fair to say that even many people on the Right don’t take Peter Sweden seriously, and essentially every leftist I know uses Peter and his tweets for comedic purposes. For example, there’s the time this extremely brilliant thinker tweeted that Sweden’s public transport system is communist, or his rant on the time someone told him that Swedish meatballs are actually from Turkey.. which they are. One of the first results that show up when you search “Peter Sweden” is a reference to his meatball rant, anyway it’s honestly comedy gold and you can watch it here.

So, if you haven’t already gathered, Peter’s political analysis is severely lacking and should not be taken seriously whatsoever, further proven by the tweet pictured above.

Peter views himself as an on-the-ground reporter, travelling to the areas of Sweden which are supposedly the most dangerous, with some even being branded “no-go zones” - areas where the native population dare step foot in case of being attacked by those evil brown people (immigrants).

Peter has previously filmed himself walking through a supposed no-go zone, and literally nothing happened. The whole video consists of him walking around repeating how he doesn’t feel safe and how dangerous the situation is, meanwhile normal everyday people are walking by him without so much as a glance in his direction. At one point Arabic music starts playing - I assume from a mosque? - and this terrifies Peter and he leaves. Please spare a thought for our brave warrior, Peter.

To continue with the theme of his fear mongering about immigrants and how they impact Sweden, Peter recently tweeted a statistic, that I’m going to believe at face value because it disproves the very point he’s attempting to make: that immigrants are ruining Sweden and Europe in general.

Peter supplies us with three statistics: there were 211 bombings in 2017, 162 in 2018 and as of late May 2019, there had been 50 bombings. So, straight off the bat you can see that the total number of bombings from 2017-2018 dropped by 49, which is good.. right? Furthermore, Peter blessed us with this vital information during the middle of the year, roughly, that there were 50 bombings in five and three-quarter months, so even with my rudimentary understanding of mathematics, this allows us to suggest that the total number of bombings in Sweden this year could reach just over 100, which, once again, is decreasing.

Another issue with Peter and his claims is how vague they are. As we’ve already discussed, Peter has a tendency to exaggerate and blow things out of proportion, so should we trust his definition of “bombing”? A quick “bombings in Sweden by year” google search provides me with a plethora of far-right news sites from Peter himself to Infowars, Breitbart, Daily Mail and another called “” - but what about actual statistics?

Here we have actual statistics. Europol, a European Union agency that monitors extremist activity, tracked the number of terrorist attacks and in which EU member state they occurred in. As you can see, Sweden had 1 registered terror attack in 2017.. ONE. Compared to Peter’s claim of 211 bombings in 2017, this seems a tad more believable. Personally, I’d believe an internationally recognised anti-terrorist organisation opposed to a far-right “journalist” who spends his spare time ranting online about meatballs.


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