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Chuck Schumer And Nancy Pelosi Keep Getting George Floyd's Name Wrong

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Conservatives Really Think The FBI Will Be Arresting Ilhan Omar Soon

Following on from an older article we wrote about the frankly laughable lies conservatives like to spread about Ilhan Omar, they seem to have truly outdone themselves now.  Previously, Omar's detractors created easily falsifiable claims about her, claims that could be disproven from a ten second google search and a cursory read, but nevertheless they persist.  This time around, the very same people believe that the FBI are going to literally arrest Omar. The reasoning behind this is that Omar supposedly married her brother, which has of course been repeated by every right-wing 'news' outlet and even President Trump himself repeated the claim at a campaign rally. Of course something as simple as a birth certificate proves this isn't even remotely true. This didn't stop Chuck Woolery and his idiotic following tweeting out an article claiming that Omar had been 'nabbed by the FBI' and simply lapping it up without even questioning how ridiculous they sound.  FB

Does Donald Trump Think He's Winning?

A little while back we wrote about Joe Biden's gradual decline in the polls against current President Donald Trump, ranging back from before the Democratic Primary even took place, during the primary, and now that Biden has become the Democratic nominee. Biden enjoyed leads of eighteen points in a large number of polling matchups leading up to the Democratic Primary, and his polling advantage began to slowly erode as the primary went on, with Trump slightly ahead in some polls. Losses in the Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada contests cut into Biden's lead against Trump, as did his constant gaffes on the debate stage and in interviews, as well as the fact that he is still dealing with sexual assault allegations from Tara Reade, which haven't been concluded or even reported on in months. However, following Trump's abysmal handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the police killing of George Floyd and many other black Americans since then, the subsequent protests and further pol

Nancy Pelosi Has A Lower Approval Rating Than Donald Trump

With all the noise made about Nancy Pelosi being a resistance hero who is supposedly out maneuvering Donald Trump at every turn, it turns out that the Democratic Party leader isn't actually that well liked by Americans. The "Patron Saint of Shade", a nickname given to Pelosi by her most devoted followers, has an extremely loyal following within the Democratic Party, so much so that people like Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos embarrassingly hand delivered a thousand red roses to Nancy Pelosi's office. However, for all the sycophantic devotion to Pelosi that keeps her in power, Americans as a whole are extremely unsatisfied with Nancy Pelosi and her performance when it comes to opposing President Trump. According to the RCP Polling Averages, current President Donald Trump's approval rating currently sits at an average of 44.3% and an average disapproval rating of 50.6%, a minus 6.3% approval rating overall. With Pelosi, the numbers are even worse . Pelo

Bernie Sanders Is Too Nice For His Own Good

We recently wrote about many of the reasons Bernie Sanders lost the 2020 Democratic Primary and one of the most prominent reasons for his defeat was his reluctance to be much tougher on his rivals, which they were with him. Sanders sustained a slew of attacks from his competitors in the Democratic field, most of the attacks were based on fear-mongering about the high price for his policies. Virtually every candidate attacked Sanders on the cost of Medicare for All, using the 'huge cost' of such a policy to scare voters into being against the policy, consistently screaming "it costs $30 trillion!" The price tag is actually somewhere around $17 trillion, also conveniently left out are the facts that this is the cost over ten years and that Medicare for All actually costs substantially less than the current American healthcare system. Medicare for All is estimated to save anywhere from $303 billion to $2 trillion over the course of the next ten years, if implement

Joe Biden's Polling Advantage Is Slipping Away

According to the RCP polling averages , Joe Biden still maintains a five point polling lead over incumbent President Donald Trump. However, since this time last year, Joe Biden's polling advantage is slowly crumbling and we're still six months away from the election. Biden, before the primary even started, was seen by many within the Democratic Party to be the best bet to defeat Donald Trump and continue the Obama legacy, once again going with the same strategy that lost them the election in 2016. A few polls were conducted over the last couple of years, asking people whether they would vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump and the results were very favourable for Biden, routinely coming out fourteen points ahead, with a high of eighteen points ahead of Donald Trump in a hypothetical matchup. As we arrived at the tailend of 2019, Biden's numbers were slightly worse. A Rasmussen poll conducted in September suggested that Donald Trump was actually four points ahead (47-4

MSNBC Host Lawrence O'Donnell Explains How The Democratic Party Treats The Left

MSNBC's "The Last Word" host Lawrence O'Donnell describes his politics as a "practical European socialist", which essentially boils down to being a nordic-style social democrat, usually in favour of a mixed economy with a generous welfare state and has defended his positions on MSNBC news shows that typically frown upon stepping outside the neoliberal bubble. O'Donnell is no progressive hero in the context of american politics, sometimes scolding progressive politicians whenever they mildly criticize the Democratic Party, such as when Bernie Sanders tweeted about having to take on the Democratic establishment as well as Republicans, O'Donnell decided to concern troll Sanders by claiming that the Democratic establishment wouldn't pass Sanders' proposals if he wasn't nice to them. Over the course of the last few months an old video of O'Donnell explaining how to move the Democratic Party further left and how the party treats the p